Modern Slavery Prevention Policy

POWWR is committed to conducting business fairly, ethically and with respect to fundamental human rights. POWWR are fully committed to the prevention of all forms of slavery, forced labour or servitude, child labour and human-trafficking, both in business and in the supply chains. 
This policy does not form part of an employees terms and conditions of employment, and the Company reserve the right to amend this policy at any time. Employees are required to read and comply with this policy.

Employment Standards

The Company makes appropriate checks on all employees, recruitment agencies and suppliers. The Company provides every employee with a written contract of employment. The Company pay every employee in accordance with the law and comply with our legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of all our employees and workers, including in relation to working hours, rest breaks and holidays.

Supplier Management

Suppliers of good and services must assess business and supply chains and then confirm to POWWR that they comply with legal obligations in relations to Modern Slavery legislation. The Company are committed to ensuring there is no slavery, forced labour or servitude, child labour or human trafficking taking place in the supply chains. If a supplier is found to be in breach this policy or are found to have slavery or human trafficking in their business, or knowingly in the supply chain, the Company may terminate the contract and pursue its legal remedies.


Employees must immediately report any suspicions of modern slavery or human-trafficking in the business or supply chains to the Senior Management Team. The Board will investigate within a reasonable time and report on actions which may require to be taken. 
Employees will not suffer any detrimental treatment because of reporting any genuine concerns, raised in good faith, under this policy. This applies, even if after investigation, employees are found to be mistaken.

Policy Review Process

This Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Senior Management Team at any time.