Maximize Profits: Master Natural Gas Procurement for Energy Suppliers

5 min read
12 June, 2023

In the energy industry, maximizing profits is the name of the game. Energy supply companies constantly seek ways to procure energy more efficiently, build stronger relationships with brokers, and leverage technology to optimize procurement. However, the market is changing rapidly, and — as you already know — energy supply companies must remain one step ahead to remain competitive.

This blog post will delve deeper into energy procurement and explore strategies energy supply companies can use to minimize market volatility vulnerability. We will also discuss the latest technology trends in energy procurement and how they can be leveraged to optimize profitability. Finally, we will look at ways companies can build stronger relationships with brokers and add value to their services. Let’s get started!

What is Energy Procurement?

Energy procurement is acquiring energy that a business needs to operate. The process can be complex, and there are many ways to procure energy, including buying directly from suppliers, brokers, or a combination. The procurement process involves a series of steps, from analyzing energy needs to negotiating contracts and managing risk. One way that this can happen is through the procurement of natural gas. 

Natural Gas Procurement

Natural gas procurement is a popular option for energy supply companies. Natural gas is used in many industries, including manufacturing, transportation, and power generation. Natural gas procurement primarily involves risk allocation between a broker and a supplier. However, with the deregulation of the industry, there are many risks that companies must evaluate before entering into a deal with brokers. It is essential to conduct thorough due diligence to assess risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and protect the company's interests. All of these steps are part of the larger energy procurement process.

Leveraging Strategies to Minimize Market Volatility Vulnerability

The energy market is subject to many factors that can impact prices, including geopolitical tensions, weather events, and supply and demand fluctuations, just to name a few. Energy supply companies must remain one step ahead of market volatility to minimize risks and maximize profits. Below are four top strategies to do just that:


Hedging is a financial strategy that involves taking a position in a financial instrument that is inversely correlated to the underlying asset. In this case, energy supply companies may use futures contracts or other financial instruments to lock in prices for future energy deliveries.

Using hedging strategies, energy supply companies can protect themselves against price fluctuations and ensure a stable energy supply at a predictable cost. This can help them plan and budget more effectively, as they know their costs in advance. Additionally, hedging can help energy supply companies to reduce their overall risk exposure and improve their financial performance.


By relying on a single energy source, a company may be particularly vulnerable to price fluctuations, supply disruptions, or other risks that affect that specific source. However, by diversifying their energy sources, companies can spread their risk and reduce their exposure to any particular source.

For example, a company that relies solely on oil for its energy needs may be vulnerable to changes in oil prices or supply disruptions that affect oil production or transportation. However, if the company diversifies its energy sources by using renewable energy sources, natural gas or coal, it can reduce its exposure to these risks. Renewable energy sources, for example, are often less susceptible to price volatility and supply disruptions than fossil fuels.

Flexible Contracts

These contracts offer greater flexibility than traditional fixed-term contracts, allowing companies to adjust their energy needs based on market conditions.

With a flexible contract, a company can adjust the amount of energy it purchases and the price it pays based on changes in market conditions. For example, if energy prices increase, a company with a flexible contract can reduce its energy consumption to save money. Alternatively, the company can increase its energy consumption if energy prices decrease to take advantage of the lower prices.

Flexible contracts also allow companies to take advantage of opportunities to use renewable energy sources or other forms of energy that may be less expensive than their traditional sources. Suppose an oversupply of wind or solar energy exists in a particular region. In that case, a company with a flexible contract can take advantage of the lower prices and increase its use of renewable energy, for instance.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass are becoming increasingly popular in the energy market as they offer several benefits. One of the primary benefits is that they are a clean energy source, producing little to no greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. This makes renewable energy an attractive option for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint and meet their sustainability goals.

In addition to their environmental benefits, renewable energy sources are becoming more cost-competitive with traditional energy sources, such as fossil fuels. This is due in part to advances in technology and manufacturing, as well as government incentives and policies aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy.

Protect Your Profits

Now you have the strategies to reduce your vulnerability in a volatile market. But, you must also optimize parts of your business to maximize profits — mainly your procurement tactics and how you leverage technology to accomplish this.  

Leveraging Technology for Optimal Procurement

Technology is revolutionizing the energy procurement process. If you’re not leveraging these four benefits that technology can provide your energy supply company, it’s time to start.

Improve Data Collection

Collecting and analyzing data is essential to making informed decisions about energy procurement. Companies must have access to accurate, reliable data to understand market trends, identify opportunities, and manage risk. However, using too much data can be overwhelming. Companies must focus on the most relevant data to optimize their procurement process.

Data Analytics to Forecast

Data analytics can help companies forecast market trends, predict price fluctuations, and make better decisions. By analyzing historical data and current market conditions, companies can identify trends and patterns that can help them optimize their procurement process.


Automating the procurement process can streamline and optimize processes, reduce errors, and save time. Automation can help companies manage contracts, invoices, and payments more efficiently.

Energy Management Solution

An energy management solution is a software platform that can help companies manage all aspects of their energy procurement process. Energy management solutions offer a range of modules, including.

Understanding Broker's Wants and Needs

Brokers are crucial in the energy market, helping businesses and organizations find the best energy deals and manage their energy costs. To build strong relationships with brokers, it's essential to understand their wants and needs. By doing so, you can keep recurring brokers happy and attract new ones. Here are four key areas to focus on:


Brokers want to work with energy supply companies that they can trust. This means having reliable, consistent service and communication. Ensure you provide accurate and timely information, and respond to brokers' needs and concerns.

Cost Savings

Like everyone else, brokers and their customers love a good deal. To keep brokers happy, you must offer competitive pricing and cost-saving opportunities. This can include fixed-rate contracts, flexible contracts, and renewable energy options.

Added Value

While cost savings are essential, brokers and their customers also want added value. This includes value-added services like energy audits, demand response programs, and energy management software. You can differentiate your company and attract more business by highlighting your additional benefits.

Visibility into Deal Details

Different energy management procurement companies offer different deal types, and brokers need visibility into the details of each deal to make informed decisions. Ensure you provide clear and transparent information about pricing, terms, and conditions, and be willing to answer any questions brokers may have.

Let Your Pricing Systems Make You Money

Focusing on these three areas of importance minimizing volatility vulnerability, optimizing procurement through technology, and focusing on your broker’s wants and needs — will set you up for maximizing profits in Q3 and Q4 like never before. 

However, sometimes the pricing system is holding a company back from reaching the profit levels they should be. If you’re ready to change your current system to increase procurement and maximize profits, this guide will be hugely helpful to you.

Download our free guide — 8 Ways to Make Your Pricing System Keep You Out of the Red and Deep in the Black — to get started. 

Download Our Pricing Systems Guide

8 Ways to Make Your Pricing Keep You Out of the Red

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